The Impossible Conception on The Unseen Story

The Impossible Conception on The Unseen Story

Back in May,  I had the opportunity to share Erik & my testimony with Adam & Brooke Fish for The Unseen Story podcast on how God is the God of the Impossible for this 17 year miracle in the making! For 17 Years we prayed and Believed we would one day conceive and God Answered. Click here to read the detailed account visit So honored that our testimony is blessing & building faith in others to believe that with God all things are...CONTINUE READING

For 17 Years we prayed and believed that 1 day we’d conceive & GOD ANSWERED!

For 17 Years we prayed and believed that 1 day we’d conceive & GOD ANSWERED!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Estreitta (@estreitta) For 17 Years we prayed and believed that 1 day we’d conceive & GOD ANSWERED #MiraclesDoHappen  As of Last Friday we are 18 Weeks pregnant!   .                                            .                                              OUR JOURNEY...CONTINUE READING

The Change Perspective

The Change Perspective

I absolutely love the fall. I love the cooler temperatures that's relief from the texas sweltering heat. I love the changing colors of the trees and the eye candy that brings. I love getting to wear scarfs and getting to cuddle up with my husband to warm my feet. I love going to bonfires and cookouts and hay rides that comes with fall festivals.On the flipside the fall marks a time of change, the old dying off in this season so the new...CONTINUE READING

Crossing the Racial Divide Pt 1: The Pursuit of Racial Reconciliation

Crossing the Racial Divide Pt 1: The Pursuit of Racial Reconciliation

Since the Charlottesville attacks, at my church Upper Room Dallas our leadership has been discussing racial reconciliation and how we as followers of Christ should address the tensions in America inside and outside the church. It has been a powerful few weeks of teaching and getting the opportunity to hear candidly from our pastors as well as church leaders in the community and those in our congregation their perspectives, insights and life experiences as it relates to prejudices, bigotry, and racism. I have grown up...CONTINUE READING